Town of Davie The project consists of a Site Plan approval to construct a one-story, 4800 sq. ft. restaurant, with 2880 square feet of indoor space and 1920 square feet of covered patio space. The patio is located to the south / southeast corner of the building to prevent noise from spilling onto the northern residential zones and is buffered with planters and architectural screens for comfort and shade. Associated with site and parking improvements, the project will include a wide variety of local landscape species located from the perimeter of the site to the immediate surroundings of the building itself. A total of 63 parking spaces are provided for customer and employee use and a segregated loading aisle is provided to the north of the building with an operable gate for service use only. The building is designed to include a multitude of warm materials and color palettes that work together with the landscape elements to create an appealing architectural language that is harmonious to the natural elements of South Florida. This project was designed while working at Adache Group Architects.