Facade Exploration - Abstract Light Study One of the most important factors in the realm of architecture, is the use of light. Whether it is meant to celebrate or exhibit a space, or meant to protect a space from the damaging effects of the sun, light can be controlled and filtered through means of design. This abstract representation displays a space that is used 50 percent in light and 50 percent in the dark with no partitions or walls blocking the light. Using a hexagonal module as a facade generator, the design pushes and pulls the honeycomb in order to dictate how much light will be allowed inside. The farther it is extruded, the less light will enter, or the less it is pushed, the more it will act like a flat window and provide maximal light opportunities. In order to explore and test light studies, a test subject was designed. Taking into consideration the light and the dark, the form consisted of two snake-like structures, weaving around themselves to act as a space to preserve important valuables and a space to reveal them via lightness and darkness. The objective was to create these spaces so that they may be comfortable for both summer and winter solstices through the application of one facade. It was noted that heavy levels of sunlight can be exposed to either side of the mass designated to preserve the interiors through the installation of a flat facade so without doing any major design changes to the masses or change it's orientation, the facade was dealt so that the sunlight would not be allowed to enter in the spaces that needed the protection.